Are You a Wave-Maker?

intuitive design intuitive flow spiritual growth true self Nov 15, 2023

Are you a wave-maker or do you “go with the flow”? 

Nothing has changed in my personal expression more than the way I interact with currents. 

Social. Relational. Theological. 

Rewind 30(ish) years to my middle school youth group. We were asked to draw what each of us would look like as a car. I don’t recall a single person in the room that day, but the image of a teal green compact car is clear. Completing the image was a word bubble with the name of our local soft rock station that boasted “easy listening”. 

What was wrong with this picture? Not much …Except that this 12-yr old Missouri girl obsessed over pickup trucks and preferred Garth Brooks over Bryan Adams. 

The message my preteen self was sending was clear: “If you want someone easy to get along with, I’ll be a sweet, gentle addition to your group. No wave-making here! I go with the flow.” 

Highly intuitive people tend to be chameleon-like in our adaptivity. This strength comes from being in tune with people, atmospheres, and social dynamics. It makes us flexible and helps us navigate relationships with bosses, co-workers, and even with friends and family.  

Being socially and emotionally aware, one might assume we intuitive types always fit in. Instead, the opposite is often our reality. We can be surrounded by people and still feel very much alone. When dinner party conversation turns to gardening, I search for a way to chime in. Hmm...maybe I should tell about the time I met one of my angels when the leaf of my pepper plant began to move on its own.  Nope, probably not. Just smile and nod.

And so the flip-side of adaptability emerges. We lose our true self in the roles we accept. Societal currents become whirlpools, pulling us under and threatening two things intuitive daughters of God hold near and dear…


Freedom and Authenticity.


“The opposite of belonging is fitting in.”  

This quote from author and researcher, Brene' Brown, sums up what we know intuitively...changing or muting ourselves to fit in will not get us what we want. We want to belong. To be seen and known and celebrated for who we are.

The wild. The wonderful. Even the weird.

(Note about the word "weird." This word, with roots in destiny and the supernatural, is being redeemed in this time. God is not normal and neither are you. That's a good thing.)

Jesus was weird. He loved extravagantly. He also didn't shy away from making waves. Ok, technically he calmed the waves. But he also made disciples out of fishermen and social outcasts, payed taxes with a coin from a fish's mouth, passed through a crowd (without a cloak of invisibility or a ring of power) flipped the merchant tables in the temple, and pissed off religious leaders on the regular.

Intuitive daughter of God, you are a Wave-Maker. The reason you don't fit in is because YOU. ARE. DIFFERENT. You are other.


Freedom-fighter. Torch-bearer. Trailblazer.


Destiny is calling and it isn't found by enfolding yourself into re-existing systems. School, career, church, family...these may be places you arrive on the scene. But going with the flow of their currents will not lead to your destination. 

Let me be clear. I'm ALL about Flow. It's even in my title: Nannette Foster, Intuitive Flow Specialist. 

There IS a Flow to follow:


"There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells."

Psalm 46:4


Holy Spirit who lives in you is the author of divine Flow. Be bold enough to be you. Make some waves. Have some FUN!

(Keep an eye out for our next blog "Go With the Flow" where will unpack divine Flow.)


My gift to you! Download the Oasis Journal  for a taste of Replenishing Flow.


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🫶 Nannette

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