Instant Intuitive Discernment

idg movement intuition trusting intuition Aug 09, 2023

by Nannette Foster

 "Your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, 'This is the way, walk in it'..."

-Isaiah 30:21

Have you heard the audible voice of God? 

I haven't...yet. It's on my bucket list.

( If that is how you get divine guidance, that's freakin' cool and I'd love to hear about it! )

Most of us primarily navigate decisions with either logic or intuition.

Society would recommend collecting and analyzing data, writing a pro-con list, and consulting expert counsel. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this approach, research suggests the superiority of inner guidance to reason when it comes to faster, more accurate decision-making.*

On the flip side, the "church answer" is to spend time praying about it. Asking God is a powerful practice, one I practice regularly in my own life. But does that look like laboring for hours on our knees under a prayer shawl? 

Not this girl! Maybe that works for you, but personally I'm fond of having feeling in my legs. 

Here's the truth - dedicating time and energy to each decision just isn't real life. Spending hours, days, or even weeks trying to make a decision is E X H A U S T I N G.

And counter-productive.

Sometimes a decision has to be made instantly. This is where discernment comes in:

"The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit."

- 1 Corinthians 2:14

Spirit leads us via spiritual eyes and ears as we tune in to our inner discernment. According to prophetic trainer Shawn Bolz, intuition is one of the main ways we hear from God. 

Have a crappy decision-making track record? Me too! 

Like you...and ALL humans...I've had my share of "Whoopsie!" moments. Confident decision-making is a process. But I'm here to testify that growing in discernment and Spirit-led intuitive partnership has been worth the occasional mess. 

Recently I attended a workshop introducing a new leadership tool. My mind took in a bit of the training, but what made the biggest impact was the way I FELT. My body was on fire - absolutely alive with waves of electricity. Recognizing this feeling as confirmed alignment, my next steps were made in confidence.

Discerning alignment is the first step to making confident decisions. 

Ready to experience a real-time example of instant intuitive discernment?

Watch this 5 minute video:  Click here

Remember...You are incredibly brilliant, wildly intelligent, and intuitive by design. Your world needs the light only you carry. So keep your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground.

We want to hear from you! Comment below 🫶


*Lufityanto, G., Donkin, C., & Pearson, J. (2016). Measuring Intuition: Nonconscious Emotional Information Boosts Decision Accuracy and Confidence. Psychological Science. doi: 10.1177/0956797616629403


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